Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 8
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his likeability goes up more faster than her dads lol
Ml number one
oh no.. this boy is my type of ML..
Bro chill ur gonna get a heart attack-
I looooove this one
Also why do you want to have a “revenge like aria”? I’m getting tired of scenario’s like revenge stuff, this is a new breathe from how many revenge out there manhwa. Something fluffy, just misunderstandings. There are still a lot to unpack here, but people just go blah blah.
I’m pretty sure he only liked her appearance but don’t merge the love and like together. I don’t think he is inlove . Remember that kids gets attracted on pretty things. In this case the princess really without a doubt pretty, even i too think of it as well. When it comes to romance, you’ll get to that when they are teenager, adults or perhaps a love rivalry. That’s how it always works.
Yeah she’s still naive but she also is realizing her entire life before was a lie cause she was gaslit by her maid and the Empress. Not to mention, she has that syncronization thing happening, so she literally is in the mind of a child right now trying to unwork everything
uhm I want her to take revenge something², like Aria? I want her to know who to trust, like Ellie. But no one knows what will happen in the future. And I kinda dislike her father, he cared for her never do anything for her safety, always LATE
I mean she was an idiot in her 1st life but shes still the same
She got cheat power but it wasted on her , because she doesnt take advantage of it
I’m gonna read till ch 20 and if she remains like this I’m gonna drop it
Eh. I dislike romance when the leads have no chemistry. This includes when they seem to fall for each other immediately and for no reason. Yeah, she’s a cute kid, but that’s no excuse to have him immediately be as charmed by her and doting as her actual father.
Their both so adorable,
Aweee he’s cute. Bet he’s the one who’s behind her regression