Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 7
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hey… is this a ML~?
now now.. isnt he the one who executed her from the start…
Hmmm I see in my crustal ball possible luv interest….
I simp for himbos
Lmaoo he looks like baby Draco
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
How convenient
Like so what
Is this the ML? Unless its a rv harem
ML alert?!
Catherine Briar
Even if he’s a bad guy….maybe he can help with the malaria. Make use of him!
Okay. Everyone in the comments keep daying something about why was executed just for just wasting food? But if you look back at chapter one someone also shouts about black magic. So maybe (im not saying for sure) a rumor about black maguc being used was the main reason for her execution
there no way he investigated those food rumors thoroughly, especially since she ends up executed