Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 61
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ive never really cared if the TL is of, but i can just TELL
they FUCKED up
I want th ml to be an elf
Let her be op for marry into a powerful race and the queen and Duke should bite their heads off because of it😂
goblin isn’t it an elf ? uhhh
I think teh translation got ot mixed up again…
It identifies as a goblin. We have to be inclusive remember? We can’t judge anyone who later decides to identify as a goblin 🤣
Arent goblins more underground or like the ones who work at gringotts in harry potter? I agree with the other comments… this looks more like an elf then a goblin hehe
I think you’re mixing up a goblin with an elf
hahaha translation again!!
Mighty Phoenix
That’s an elf,lol,not a goblin