Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 6
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is it just me, or did she get more plump… cute~
also, with the soul and body synchronizing, when it hets to 100%, will she forget everything of her past life??
rumors is deadly weapon. it can ruin your life without given a fight
Her brother knows his mom hate her , so he came to save her and he pretended to hate her in front of that evil queen
Wait. Calling the popup box the “status window” is one thing, but now she’s referring to things that happened as “the X event” like she’s in an otome game.
I think what happened in her past life is that the Empress and her cohorts controlled the Princess so much and spread rumors that she was wasting food (of course, food would be wasted when she wasn’t eating) amongst other things. There are some scholars that believe that Marie Antoinette was something similar. The people of France were suffering from starvation and although her comment “let them eat cake” was tone deaf, she had been pampered all her life and was totally unaware of just how much the people were suffering and that they couldn’t just eat cake. Not excusing what she said but an explanation. Marie was executed as well for the same reason. The royals ate and lived very well why the people of France suffered. It’s a similar premise.
don’t tell me she was executed because someone said she wasted food when all this time she was practically malnourished