Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 57
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bro what another spy ? And it’s a child again really…@_@
Some people are upset about the children being spies but even in real life, in the past usually children would often be used as spies it’s a sad world we live in but it’s true they would use children to spy and fight in wars. So it’s understandable why it’s put in this so much.
Seriously, what is with these adults using children as spies.. I get children would be less suspicious than an adult but they’re literally children. Either those kids have been trained as harshly as an adult to not squeal or are naive and have the potential to snitch in order to save themselves. Lala likely had potential to snitch but the queen and the duke would immediately try to eliminate her to avoid it, but if a child from another kingdom is a spy.. he may have been trained to keep his lips sealed and perhaps behave like how an assassin would, including when caught unfortunately..
Seriously another spy at a time like this🤦🏻♀️