Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 55
You don't have anything in histories
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yeah the thing is your doomed ^_^
For a scheming child able to act well enough to fool strangers (aka people who wouldn’t know the target well, ie the princess being the target), she sure is naive.. like who’s to say she’d be able to continue living with the count and stay out of the slums if she completes her mission, it’d be more likely the count and the empress would just kill her to silence her, with passing away from illness as the story.
I hope in the next chapter we toss out this trash
Yeah just get rid that shit
Just get rid of this little b*tch
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She so young and yet shes lair omg tzkk
I’m so sick of this girl 😒😒 hopefully they find out about her schemes soon and have her stay away from chervi