Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 53
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gosh ..the mc is so.. T_T just tell daddy that you don’t like this bitch
Guys, mc has been through shit before. She had been traumatized and thought she can be loved if she can just endured and keep it to herself. Like a person who got used being misunderstood. Although I do agree she could have done it better but if she rejected this two face lass immediately then how can she be able to catch on about the queen and the count’s plan?
If that was me I would be like “Dad i don’t like her!” BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Gurl is too shy as the MC.
When is this lala b*tch gonna get the boot I’m tired of her already😡
[email protected]
Tha lala or wherever her name she desnt know what shes doing omg.
Try to.make her look bad in front her father you degen your awn grave
Why oh why is she so stupid?
Why would you tell him you’re fine when you’re not. It’s ish like this that annoy the ish out of me. So we’re keeping the bad little girl around for plot.
Just say ur uncomfortable with dat puppet