Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 51
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@Happyme you might have meant this as a joke, but imma explain it anyways.
a lot of it was probably messed up in translation, but he’s trying to convince the Emperor to not stop trading with the Nabapal Kingdom. reasoning that if the Mosae Kingdom hadn’t turned their backs of the empire originally, they would have never had to trade with Nabapal in the first place, so it’s “not strange” for Nabapal to raise passing prices, and as an act of good will they should continue to trade with Nabapal. But, no mater the diplomatic reasonings, its strange for the price to rise a hole 30% so quickly. in USD a 30% increase is 3.00$, the price is probably significantly more it their form of currency, but, never the less such a high increase is so little time is suspicious.
Just a sucker for manga
@Happyme Same
I don’t know what the blonde guy is talking about🥱