Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 4
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Not happy??
is today not opposites day??
Not happy cause she didn’ t say daddy?
Reader is L
Not happy about daughter but puts heart emojis on caption. Ok daddy, whatever you say. 😏😅
instant gratification. servants fucked up and screwed her over? fired the next chapter. god bless. okay kiddo now it’s time to experiment with getting closer to your family who are all emotionally constipated. although goddamn you can really tell she’s related to them with how much she also keeps her problems to herself and puts up a front. she did it in her last life too. i don’t think it’s 100% leftover trauma. i think it’s a mix of genetics and the cruel way she was raised the first time around – getting yelled at and starved for “imposing”.
thise tsundre family…sigh
ahhh, so she’s been mislead about what love and affection is.. but she can literally read their thoughts and the intent behind those thoughts sooooo, it’s kind of hard to believe that she’s still doesn’t understand.. imo sounds like a setup
This girl give me anxiety 🙄🙄🙄
More please🙏🥺
The fork u call ur dad “your majesty” the fork is wrong with u, u forky weak princess.
Thanks for the update. More please 🙏🏻
Ellie should have been replaced too, she’s no different from the other maids just because she had a few good thoughts. She must be the only maid not working for the Queen but its not like she did anything to help Sherbet out. I thought because Sherbet was raised thinking everything she did was wrong that’s why she didnt outright say anything but this chapter shows she knew they were disrespecting her. Even a baby can say “”no” or “bad” while pointing at someone, she said she has such little control over her body but if she can cry and keep the maid she should have cried and exposed them too