Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 36
You don't have anything in histories
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girl, now you are gonna get ALL OF THE FLOWERS IN THE GARDEN
if you dad doesnt do it, I WILL
Cant people understand taht she’s going through trauma? She doesn’t have a specific trauma for everything, just stuff that would be important for her to heal from. It’s been around less than a year maybe since she went back, do you expect her to just immediately be fine with everything she went through??
it’s all in the past girl
Geez. I’m sorry, but the fact that she has a traumatic and specific memory for literally every occasion is getting kinda funny.
I mean, for all we know, next chapter, she’ll see a ladybug and go, “Gasp! This is reminding me of that horrible time there was a 10 carriage pileup in front of the palace leaving dozens injured and five dead. And the incident was blamed on me and the people who cherish me in this life just believed it without question.” And then the chapter after that is just her toddling along and then tripping over the REAL cause (obviously planted by the Empress).