Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 35
You don't have anything in histories
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“Unlike your heart, you still have a kind face”
GOT to hand it over to the translator is author, or WHOEVER
that line had me CACKLING
Just a sucker for manga
That’s it?………………..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
By next month, the princess will probably be diagnosed with diabetes… 😅
And you gave that tower of cookies to the slums. “Let them eat cake” am I right? I’m sure they’re appreciating the sugar rush as they suffer from malnutrition.
(Seriously, if you don’t want me dissing your royal family, don’t keep bringing up the slums. In the capital. Close to the palace. I mean ffs, giving them that shows the emperor is very aware of them and yet… does nothing)
Also, Sherbet is gonna suffer from malnutrition too at this rate… Truely a princess of the people.
Why is the mom there and what’s this promise?🤔 I don’t get it
Why is the mom there😡 and what’s this promise?🤔 I don’t get it
give that girl some real sustenance, someone get her a steak