Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 31
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@Changemyname yeah, and the worst part is that her mom is DEAD
This prison really needs more security this is the second time someone has died in it within a year! And I know the first guy committed suicide but they still shouldve found a way to prevent that! 😒
Reader is L
Her father and brother a hopelessly captured by the itty-bitty princess. Could someone please control the dad with his obsession of giving his daughter sweets? She’s going to end up with rotten teeth and diabetes. 😱
Sherbert is going to end up a chubby princess with bad teeth if someone deosnt stop her father or if he doesnt find other gifts to give her. 😂 A child sized cookie house with a chocolate fountain sounds like a cute present though
She is really dumb…like your kid will be King, you’re already queen. Why donyou care about this little girl, because of her mom having the kings favor? Childish.
How could that dumb woman become the empress lol