Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 30
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@ImaPullADazaiOsamu get away his my
um….. bro
he was aiming for GOLD
Is the escort single? Just asking for a friend named me…😍
The escort guy is handsome by the way ~_~
escort guy be havin rizz….
Why the escort guy looking saur delicious 😔
I agree with the comment below me
And i have to add…… THAT ESCORT GUY IS SO HOT
So she had secret escorts this life watching and documenting her day but apparently not the last since no one could clear her of the false charges. Kind of upsetting if that true since he claimed to care for her so much but he’s only showing it this time around. And the excuse “she’s was afraid of him” is weak since at the very least wouldn’t you have someone watch your child in your place and tell you how they’re doing if you couldn’t get close?
Dad vision: what is more precious than my baby girl?!!
lololol 😂🥰