Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 28
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PLSPLSPLS stop him
maybe it’s a plan that the queen prepared or maybe it’s just a normal thief…?
Cele Onee-chan
The problem is the Queen was starving her and tried to frame her for food waste and got caught doing it regardless if she is right or not how dare you open your filthy mouth to say anything to my child about her eating birthday cake on her birthday. It isn’t like she eating unbalanced meals everyday anyway…
At least the king is suspicious about the Queen and in the past life couldn’t they have brought the head tower mage to see if she had really done black magic if magic has a smell?
…wtf is this writing that gets mad at a lady for saying kids should have at least one or two vegetables and nutritious food before diving headfirst into slices of cake as big as her head, regardless of intentions? you gotta have real food first! where’s the problem?
I mean, giving a 4(5?) year old two thick slices of cake before giving them a proper meal is bound to give them an upset stomach. Queenie is right on that one account. You are very much killing her with kindness, as they say.
I mean, obviously, there’s no need to watch her weight. But she should really be filling up on food and eating dessert in moderation.