Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 26
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even children wear makeup ?
Is it just me that thinks the names are off? Too many Vs. Maybe it’s supposed to be Alisha since HER can sometimes make that sound at the end of words. That would mean that her name would be Sherly, which would both make more sense
Aww cries
Lol i kinda wish a ML would show up by now
I hope pur cute child can somehow stop a grand party and help the people in the slums. Like one word from her and daddy would spend all his money on food for the poor
rosney rozario
She is so cute 🥰
what moron goes “yeah the deadly plague is getting under control and we’re making good progress – time to reverse all that progress by hosting a super-spreader event!” yknow apart from all the ones who exist in the real world shh we’re not talking about those ones
I won’t give away too much but the Emperor was restricted before.
if he loved the mother so much why was he so terrible at protecting their child
The comment below got me laughing so hard to the point of tears.
My dudes, the child said: “We should keep our promises” and everyone’s treating her like a strategic genius XD
What’s next, “Sharing is caring” proves her to be the revolutionary voice of the people?
We still ignoring the poor starving slums right outside the palace or what?