Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 25
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Who tf has the last name be ‘Parkour’? Like are you going to be one of those YouTube that do ridiculous things like jumping across buildings to get to school or something???
I am pretty sure , that parkour dude had nothing to say. The princess is d one giving orders to save d freaking grumble lives. N u cant let the dotted father have an enjoyable bday party for his beloved daughter?? OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
Remember that the way this epidemic is spreading is ‘unnatural’. Someone has been purposefully GIVING the people of garambal Leprosy.
I’m pretty sure the Empress is salty about the defeat of her nation and her neglected marriage, loss if power etc. Etc. Yawn get a hobby….. And in turn her Henchmen are trying to undermine the princess on her behalf by skipping Chervi’s birthday.
So these guys are just suggesting we just skip the princesses birthday and go on about our lives like nothing ever happened?yeah you could do that to your own kid but when it comes to the princess her father loves her
yeah that’s what i was thinking. a massive celebration for a royal birthday is a super-spreader event and they’ve got a deadly disease making the rounds. the guy’s absolutely right. everybody’s safety is more important than throwing a party, especially when the main character who will be expected to schmooze with all sorts of potentially-sick people is the princess herself
Maybe they don’t want to risk a disease spreading there? A big event means lots of incoming trade and large crowds.
The FL brings up an excellent point.
The food waste event wouldn’t have been such a big deal if there weren’t those I’m the empire starving. And the food was thrown in a slum a quick carriage ride from the palace…
Honestly, thinking of that, I can’t enjoy him spoiling her at all. Like, wtf, they shouldn’t be mad at the princess but at this ahole.
@ Rococochoco – I think it’s to keep the Princess hidden from the public’s eye.
What does her birthday have to do with that, even if its not a huge party why didn’t he send over a single gift or word last time? Just because the situation was terrible didn’t mean she needed to be ignored