Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 23
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The transaltion bruh instead of cheri it became chery then sheri!? bro wtf
The dude really needs to work on his wording.. even uf he doesn’t know she can read his thought words like those are just plain weird to use on a 5 year old even in your head. Like ‘Seducing’? If the Emperor and or her brother found out you thought that you’d be dead on the spot.
To be fair, that magician hasn’t do anything YET to Chervian in this lifetime… It will looks weird & can be a backlash for Chervi. For example, the magician will start to hate hee even more because of this or people gossiping about the royals being too tyrant & unreasonable.
the way the author execute the plot is a bit… ridiculous..
Well, karma from her previous life is a B**h for that red haired man.
Like so what
If I transmigrate, now I kmow not to greet royalty
Right mindset, but wrong code of conduct…
Kind of makes them look like tyrants 😅
no wonder they were easily manipulated these people are kind of dumb. how can they lock up and torture a man with no proof even though the readers know he’s having terrible thought they don’t know anything
All that dude did was think about using the princess. We punishing thought-crimes now?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 well it is kinda true that it was his face.