Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 22
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Trauma really last for long and it can be healed right away and sometimes it can get worse, you need to overcome it on your on with the help of people whose good for you and can be understanding. Mental health is really complicated 🙏 hope she recover soon !
I feel so sorry for her
I hope she started bawling and her dad shows up, but it is a good thing that man doesn’t hate her or he just want to use her which isnt any better but, it looks like he was just doing his job and pointed out the magic so maybe he’s not on the empress’ side. And what possible excuse will the emperor give for not seeing her on her previous 6th birthday, not even sending her a letter or aid to say he wishes her a happy birthday? Sure the country was going through some things but if you fail to take care of your family how can anyone expect him to take care of the entire country
She’s so traumatized