Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 21
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the flower is SOOO PRETTY
Mind to do it again
The disease spreading.. why do I think that the bitch queen is involved again?? 😕😕
I thought she promised to practice magic. 👀
I want to see the little magician. I like T-T
If this translation is accurate then, I need more story, ppl are saying that the prince is controlled by the Queen, but I must have missed that or it’s in a missing chapter. the story is a bit …… maybe I can Meta this by saying, the story is shallow because it’s from child’s perspective but is that winter flower a redharring? is the Prince actually controlled by the Queen or is he just laying low so as not to make her suspicious of him?
For some reason I think her having a second chance was planed by the magician and her father
It not that the father doesn’t want to show affection towards her. It’s just that he wasn’t good at showing it to her. In the past timeline, the father was very cautious in his approach to her daughter since the FL always run and cries when she sees him. The FL and the people around her misunderstood everything that happens because they can’t converse properly and eventually get farther and farther away from each other. They just assume things like “my daughter probably hates me or my father doesn’t care about me.”
We must remember that the Empress and the past maid also bully her and gaslighted her so much resulting into her low self-confidence and lacking in communication skills.
wow did he know about anything that was going on in his own kingdom. his own daughter was framed to death and someone was plotting to wipe out an entire nation. I bet the father was murdered next and the empress controlled her son that was left in charge
Like so what
Sherbiran = Chervian = Chervi = Shabi
Garambel = Grambel
Spring and Summer
Spring and Summer
If he interested to spend time with her why didn’t he do it the previous life ?? Just because she was scared of him?? But in the first place he didn’t show any affection for her, so how can a child understand someone cares for her if that someone is not spending time with her? He’s a terrible father. Not the worst but he really failed his daughter.
Want more, i hope it update 3 times every week. And thank you For your hard work