Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 20
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Mind to do it again
Yes girl .. you can be greedy for love .. it’s your family 🥹
if it’s continue like that I will have an heart attack >/////<
i hope we aint forgetting the fact that she’s got an adult soul. it must have been mere words and changing her father’s decision but that’s more than what a loved and doted child could do. She cant just spill to them that she knows what will happen if they dont deliver the medicine and that she came from the future as the present fact remains, she’s in the body of her 5 year old self. The author intended to make it appear that her kindness at five years old could sway a cold and strong hearted king.
“His ascertaining words” -> “His assertive words”
Thanks for the responses everyone.
I mean, I wish the scope wasn’t “saves an entire nation” 20 chapters in at five years old. Smaller things like giving the maids presents, making something for her father, etc. Things a five year old could believably do that would endear her to others.
Like, people are taking a few words said by a toddler and acting like she understands the situation and made a decision based on that rather than just blurted something out. Imagine a baby said she was afraid of flying, so they checked the plane over and found a bomb and then the baby was praised as a hero who stopped a terrorist attack.
Can’t they just praise her for being cute, mature, and kind?
Awe my heart ❤
Like so what
@MiscMech *
Like so what
@You have a point, but whats she supposed to do? Grab a sword and smack some monsters? Do paper work? Shes like 5-
Thats the minimum a 5 year old can do
Spring and Summer
@MiscMech you kinda have a point
ang cute
@MiscMech how is she supposed to do much more effort being a child? Arent adults suckers for babies overall?
Eh. Not a fan of when the protag does literally nothing and then accomplishes a great feat, which gives other characters an excuse to fawn over them. What happened to effort and hard work? She said, like, three words, now she’s being praised as the saviour of a nation.
Cute 💖
Man-nya-nya-na _
A fool for his daughter 🤣😂