Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 2
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just wanna know, what kind of name is Sherbian??
Rococochoco fr…
she looks like she could be athy and lucas’s secret love child
Also this is quite interesting fl knowing that people who she thought that cared about her are actually resentful and vice versa
Idk i think his father did something too in the past right when the ml was bout to be executed, i think he was the one who send our fl to the past and start over idk
If the emperor loves her and just look at the favorabilityyyyy, it’s so highhhhhh. Why did the emperor executed her in her past life
She prolly made all the wrong moves and actions to be condemned to sucha state. Not to mention she listened to the wrong person since she was 5. So i can believe thruout her life, the emperor’s favor drop
Grumpy Bunny
Her father kinda looks like Sehun EXO
Spring and Summer
Im curious, with favorability over 90 MILLION from the emperor, how can can someone end up being executed lol
looks like hes going to explode if she calls him papa 😂
she! is! so! smol!!!!! but also i’m loving how a major premise of this is just… fixing all communication issues on the upfront and that solves everything. because that’s deadass the way most classic tragedies can be avoided – honest and open communication. she’s getting to understand people’s real thoughts and feelings and acting accordingly, so there shouldn’t be any more super frustrating “oh god why won’t they just talk” plot lines.
This is cute! And interesting! Teaches you to look at peoples actions more deeply.
She’s so adorable