Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 17
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I love how the father and bro fight for her love
wait so was the empress throwing out food all the way until she became an adult because there’s no way just one indecent would come up along with treason and black magic. Tbh they dumped the food in poorer areas you think they’d be grateful if almost everyday fresh food from the princess’ palace was dumped right in front of them lol
so is crown prince a homunculus or a clone?? my money was on the latter with how clearly he’s inherited his father’s… Everything… but homunculus makes more sense if the empress can control him with her own dark magic
1. So the Empress can totally control the Crown Prince with magic
2. Did no one question why the meek, fearful, overly respectful princess with no backing somehow got her hands on dark magic materials, wasted all that food, and was otherwise a villainess? Seriously, if she acted that way every time she met up with the Emperor and Prince, and we know she did, you’d think they’d catch on.
3. Once more my least favourite trope from these stories: father dotes on his daughter and neglects his other child(ren). I mean. I know he’s the product of a loveless marriage, but he’s still a child. The narrative will make it out to be fine because he’s mature or w/e.