Baby Princess Through the Status Window - Chapter 16
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@Spacetrebushet EXACTLY
but then our MC wouldnt have come to be~
I think.. Sherbian mom is the one that the emperor loves.. But he has to married the princess of the other kingdom for peace, and then the crown prince was born from a magical concieve.. ( mirip bayi tabung ga sih, jadinya cuman butuh sperma bapake trus d simpen di rahim ibuke.. Tanpa harus enaena.. Lol.. )
i just have to say, if they can make a baby with no contact then there is absolutely no reason to have a harem. none
Yas we love a chubby princess~~ 🤩
But, we don’t love cavities😕
She’s going to have cavities if they don’t feed her something other than cake and cookies 😂 her brother and father seem like the types to spoil her with treats often as she grows up and she’ll end up chubby and they’ll be like
“we love this” while squishing her fat cheeks
Lmao. In order to make the Emperor the perfect love interest/man (devoted only to his one true love) they used magic so he didn’t even snu snu the Empress. What a cop out