I love these healing childcare stories best of all… but three is kinda pushing it for a cross-country roadtrip. And didn’t she say she never learned how to talk?
Their are a few novels that start out the same way. Power stolen, regression, and revenge. The Villain having no empath for people that are not close to them.
damnit well I have heard incidents of bastards treating children in inhuman ways in real world ugg it’s hard to watch how she was being treated all of them are so gross & Enotis that bitch should suffer as much as FL did had no shame in taking her power away such brutal demons with human vessel
So she teleported there?
I love these healing childcare stories best of all… but three is kinda pushing it for a cross-country roadtrip. And didn’t she say she never learned how to talk?
Their are a few novels that start out the same way. Power stolen, regression, and revenge. The Villain having no empath for people that are not close to them.
Update the next chapter please
damnit well I have heard incidents of bastards treating children in inhuman ways in real world ugg it’s hard to watch how she was being treated all of them are so gross & Enotis that bitch should suffer as much as FL did had no shame in taking her power away such brutal demons with human vessel
Guess who
Wow that was quick….. THOSE BASTARDS DO THEY FEEL NO GUILT FOR HURTING THAT KID!!!! THAT TOO FOR 10YRS (yes ik they said 100 but I8sure it’s an error)