I love how the characters are fleshed out a bit. All the main characters have personality, the king is trying to maintain his humanity with humor despite the burdens of being a king. The fl is learning about emotions despite only learning hate and malice from the ppl around her and only having an elemental being that doesn’t understand human morals as her one friend. The ml seams wounded and coping with a f*cked up situation
Who is this fucking king to put a spell in her that restricts her? And why is aqua cool with it? And I’m curious about if Fedelius will be the mainly or the king later on?
Yep, she just change jails from an attic to a mansion…. but more confiment since the king or mostly aqua put a spell on her by the king order
I love how the characters are fleshed out a bit. All the main characters have personality, the king is trying to maintain his humanity with humor despite the burdens of being a king. The fl is learning about emotions despite only learning hate and malice from the ppl around her and only having an elemental being that doesn’t understand human morals as her one friend. The ml seams wounded and coping with a f*cked up situation
It looks like a good start now how she pities them who are innocent, hope she will changes her mind and at least saves the innocent
…it’s suppose to be the Trionfo Empire… Not Trump Empire… Omfg I’m dying inside
It seems like this other king has bound her. She ought to kill his kingdom too for this insult
Male lead*
Who is this fucking king to put a spell in her that restricts her? And why is aqua cool with it? And I’m curious about if Fedelius will be the mainly or the king later on?