So a pedophile and a creepy king that now is an arrogant because the empire lost their power but is keeping her a prisoner with no freedom but a little more liberty
1. That’s some of the only water in this place, and yet it’s not being monopolized by people? Like, those not rich enough to buy the water the king’s imported from elsewhere migrating in search of some. Or, since this must have been a great source of water at one point, people who desperately clung to the last remnants of their home
This story at least up till now has really disappointed me, the FL has no real agency as even if she left the country which imprisoned her, she is now just a prisoner of another kingdom albeit with better conditions, the way she is treated by the maid and the Duke is not realistic and even creepy on the Duke’s part. How can you develop romantic feelings for someone you see as having the mind of a child… It’s just bad….
I can’t honestly agree with her punishing the ENTIRE kingdom tbh. I’m sure she’s killing more innocent people than those that were directly responsible for her mother’s death and her abuse.
So a pedophile and a creepy king that now is an arrogant because the empire lost their power but is keeping her a prisoner with no freedom but a little more liberty
1. That’s some of the only water in this place, and yet it’s not being monopolized by people? Like, those not rich enough to buy the water the king’s imported from elsewhere migrating in search of some. Or, since this must have been a great source of water at one point, people who desperately clung to the last remnants of their home
This story at least up till now has really disappointed me, the FL has no real agency as even if she left the country which imprisoned her, she is now just a prisoner of another kingdom albeit with better conditions, the way she is treated by the maid and the Duke is not realistic and even creepy on the Duke’s part. How can you develop romantic feelings for someone you see as having the mind of a child… It’s just bad….
I can’t honestly agree with her punishing the ENTIRE kingdom tbh. I’m sure she’s killing more innocent people than those that were directly responsible for her mother’s death and her abuse.
I don’t like either kings they suck in different ways.