She likes the way he LOOKS, not for who he is or what he’s like, and I get that a lot of people, if not MOST people, initially are attracted by looks, but she doesn’t even like the things he’s passionate about, although she is trying to play the game.
I don’t think it’s fair to say that the FL is being a bad friend when the ONLY reason she is even able to interact with the ML is because of her. FL has been pretty patient with her even if she doesn’t understand her friend’s infatuation. So, in the end, we see her using FL’s passion and skill for gaming to try and catch ML’s eye when she has no genuine interest without saying thank you or being grateful, at least from what I remember. So I don’t know where exactly she’s being “fair.”
All I see is her being on the receiving end, but I understand that this is how the author has set it up for now, and hopefully not for the entirety of the story.
I just think that when you have a friend who is willing to support you in something you should appreciate them and not just try to use them for gain.
Idk why people are bashing her friend. I think she was actually being quite fair. She likes who she likes, and instead of getting unreasonably mad at her for being who her crush likes (like we often see), she was just discussing it. The FL was kind of being the bad friend here…. she just brushed off her friends feelings and told her her crush isnt worth it.
Ngl i dislike her friend since she’s an actual piece of crap. Hopefully he finds out soon that she is triangle hyung since I just want to see how that plays out. Thanks for the update
She likes the way he LOOKS, not for who he is or what he’s like, and I get that a lot of people, if not MOST people, initially are attracted by looks, but she doesn’t even like the things he’s passionate about, although she is trying to play the game.
I don’t think it’s fair to say that the FL is being a bad friend when the ONLY reason she is even able to interact with the ML is because of her. FL has been pretty patient with her even if she doesn’t understand her friend’s infatuation. So, in the end, we see her using FL’s passion and skill for gaming to try and catch ML’s eye when she has no genuine interest without saying thank you or being grateful, at least from what I remember. So I don’t know where exactly she’s being “fair.”
All I see is her being on the receiving end, but I understand that this is how the author has set it up for now, and hopefully not for the entirety of the story.
I just think that when you have a friend who is willing to support you in something you should appreciate them and not just try to use them for gain.
Idk why people are bashing her friend. I think she was actually being quite fair. She likes who she likes, and instead of getting unreasonably mad at her for being who her crush likes (like we often see), she was just discussing it. The FL was kind of being the bad friend here…. she just brushed off her friends feelings and told her her crush isnt worth it.
Yeah, her “friend” is total trash. That’s not how a real friend would behave.
Use the account female lead!!!!!!!! I mean the triangle hyung thingy
Ngl i dislike her friend since she’s an actual piece of crap. Hopefully he finds out soon that she is triangle hyung since I just want to see how that plays out. Thanks for the update