how can he not go further they need to spend a night together even if it’s not really in the same bed they just needed to pretended otherwise no-one will believe them
@Lightening-Kun yes to all your questions. She still wants her husband’s attention cause she thinks it’s love. When he found her she was alone and no one was there for her. Its a form of attachment confusing love for someone who is filling your lonely hole. She will realise soon that she can leave him as he’s never going to change and actually never loved her.
She’s doing everything he wants cause of their contract as well the hope that he will come back to loving only her and stop cheating.
I’m confused why did FL got lover? cuz husband told her? do she still wants his attention? what for? I don’t think there is any hope for him, he’s beyond help & won’t change Red head also have less braincells for allowing him to spend night
how can he not go further they need to spend a night together even if it’s not really in the same bed they just needed to pretended otherwise no-one will believe them
I was expecting some smashing after the kiss on the hand
why didnt they go FARTHERRR
What the fuckkkk?! guys can smell like roses?…lie again 👀👀
Im just a girl ..
Blonde gives me massive icks
Pens? In that age? you know I read that wrong thanks to you right?
@Lightening-Kun yes to all your questions. She still wants her husband’s attention cause she thinks it’s love. When he found her she was alone and no one was there for her. Its a form of attachment confusing love for someone who is filling your lonely hole. She will realise soon that she can leave him as he’s never going to change and actually never loved her.
She’s doing everything he wants cause of their contract as well the hope that he will come back to loving only her and stop cheating.
I’m confused why did FL got lover? cuz husband told her? do she still wants his attention? what for? I don’t think there is any hope for him, he’s beyond help & won’t change Red head also have less braincells for allowing him to spend night
So wait our girl roll to the sky to see if she needs more pens seriously
he gross wtf