I agree, she’s being too nice and too much of a push over then when she does stand up for herself, she gets put down and put in her place like she’s a gold digger.
She’s too nice it’s not enough revenge it’s a bit boring ngl I don’t like anyone but the younger brother I want to like fl but she’s just so boring and weak heart that you can’t take her seriously it’s almost like she just lets them walk around her even though she knows what they’re really like why be so nice to people who left her for dead expect the younger brother he’s always been there for her but she just wants the older brother knowing if he wanted to fight for her the grandfather would have let them be.
ugh i absolutely hate that trope too, i did feel bad for what the ml and fl could have been if she hadn’t decided to break up. But this made me dislike him a lot, ewugh its soo rude and insensitive, does he not know what a double faced, spineless leecher Eunhye is. I want the fl to be happy with her family, to hellll with the men in this story
I feel bad for Ijun, but I hate the trope of ML getting involved in conversations that don’t concern them and taking the side of either woman without knowing the details. It’s q rude power move.
star vs the forces of evil
I agree, she’s being too nice and too much of a push over then when she does stand up for herself, she gets put down and put in her place like she’s a gold digger.
When are they updating again? 😔 i’ve been waiting 4 weeks
She’s too nice it’s not enough revenge it’s a bit boring ngl I don’t like anyone but the younger brother I want to like fl but she’s just so boring and weak heart that you can’t take her seriously it’s almost like she just lets them walk around her even though she knows what they’re really like why be so nice to people who left her for dead expect the younger brother he’s always been there for her but she just wants the older brother knowing if he wanted to fight for her the grandfather would have let them be.
Shera hxkej by ja go s in bs
Where is the next chap harmanga 😭😭😭😭
I ‘ve been waiting for a whole 3 weeks
That is too much for me guys
ugh i absolutely hate that trope too, i did feel bad for what the ml and fl could have been if she hadn’t decided to break up. But this made me dislike him a lot, ewugh its soo rude and insensitive, does he not know what a double faced, spineless leecher Eunhye is. I want the fl to be happy with her family, to hellll with the men in this story
I feel bad for Ijun, but I hate the trope of ML getting involved in conversations that don’t concern them and taking the side of either woman without knowing the details. It’s q rude power move.