manhwawonderland_ How come people who cheat still have the audacity to act like that. Stfu you are the wh*re. You betrayed her. Stop acting like you own her or that she is not allowed to like someone else. You had your chance and you failed. June 23, 2022 at 8:30 pm Log in to Reply
Hikikomori And she needs better ‘friends’, its better to have no friends than have those ‘girls’ June 23, 2022 at 1:51 pm
How come people who cheat still have the audacity to act like that. Stfu you are the wh*re. You betrayed her. Stop acting like you own her or that she is not allowed to like someone else. You had your chance and you failed.
This ain’t my kind of FL, sad
And she needs better ‘friends’, its better to have no friends than have those ‘girls’
Bastard! Thanks.