Gigit1126 Moni: “Financial Headache” Topaz: “Lovesick Headache” Prince: “Stupidity Headache” Our Lovebirds: “Just being Lovebirds”😍 May 13, 2023 at 2:48 pm Log in to Reply
HellyCutey Teika thinking “It’s not like I can cover her body in gemstones” *me having flashbacks about doja cat and her body covered in 30,000 crystals at Schiaparelli* 😵😵😵 May 13, 2023 at 4:13 am Log in to Reply
Can’t wait for next chapter! I love this couple 😆
Moni: “Financial Headache”
Topaz: “Lovesick Headache”
Prince: “Stupidity Headache”
Our Lovebirds: “Just being Lovebirds”😍
Teika thinking “It’s not like I can cover her body in gemstones” *me having flashbacks about doja cat and her body covered in 30,000 crystals at Schiaparelli* 😵😵😵