All those miniscule details, I’m glad I keep my acct. on the official website so I can still support the author for the hardwork. ♥️ My excitement for S2 increase more because of this.
I praise you author for your hard work,keep it up and don’t give up. This author is a genius,thank you for refusing to shave Pell’s facial hair. And the artist too,the art is so good. Not some boring drawing,but with efforts shown in every characters – very detailed and neat. I don’t want to be rude but other manhwa,contains poor arts/ drawing. The plot is good but the art is poor. But this manhwa,is total package.thanks for the effort and hard work ❤️♥️
Don’t worry yall, as soon as they release a hard copy, we can buy it to support the author/artist!!
After reading this I feel so bad for reading on a non-official site but sadly I can’t afford to pay 🙁
Oof – time to go buy some of this to support this fantastic story and wonderful author 😅
Me just came back here to re – read it again because I lost memory of it
Brb, dying laughing at every single one of you trying to communicate with the author
All those miniscule details, I’m glad I keep my acct. on the official website so I can still support the author for the hardwork. ♥️ My excitement for S2 increase more because of this.
Thank you so much author! Deserves a praise!
I praise you author for your hard work,keep it up and don’t give up. This author is a genius,thank you for refusing to shave Pell’s facial hair. And the artist too,the art is so good. Not some boring drawing,but with efforts shown in every characters – very detailed and neat. I don’t want to be rude but other manhwa,contains poor arts/ drawing. The plot is good but the art is poor. But this manhwa,is total package.thanks for the effort and hard work ❤️♥️
Dont ask me
An author that explained how hard is the proctor making this beautiful chapters!!!!
Gosh!!! Is so hard!!!
Good job author I’m really enjoying ur work
Imma put a heart on this! ❤❤❤❤❤
omg the author is so cute, they’ve really worked so hard