Nickii_ For someone with the mind of a 20-30 year old… she doesn’t think much 🫤 October 4, 2022 at 1:11 am Log in to Reply
BriseisRose Awe I hope Lily can accept this is her life now January 2, 2022 at 10:40 pm Log in to Reply
Lianna00 I dont know about this one because I know she’s a full adult but she act worst than a kid most of the time witch biss me off sometimes like how are u worst than a kid How did u live ur first life January 2, 2022 at 10:17 pm Log in to Reply
Hanachan if she acts like an adult, everyone will doubt her true identity January 27, 2022 at 8:42 am
Lol lil guy is so intense
For someone with the mind of a 20-30 year old… she doesn’t think much 🫤
Here we go
Awe I hope Lily can accept this is her life now
I dont know about this one because I know she’s a full adult but she act worst than a kid most of the time witch biss me off sometimes like how are u worst than a kid
How did u live ur first life
if she acts like an adult, everyone will doubt her true identity
Ayyyy lets goo