malkadventure Yes. You do. We like him too. We also hope that now you can finally get together with him, poor lad was waiting for so long T^T February 4, 2025 at 12:54 pm Log in to Reply
Nitlea On god, While I feel bad for Prince and Aiden since it wasn’t their fault they had to go away. That doesn’t change the fact that Joshua was there all this time not because ‘you’re my savior’ or ‘you’re my world’ bs, but just because he loves her February 6, 2025 at 10:39 pm
Yes. You do. We like him too. We also hope that now you can finally get together with him, poor lad was waiting for so long T^T
On god, While I feel bad for Prince and Aiden since it wasn’t their fault they had to go away. That doesn’t change the fact that Joshua was there all this time not because ‘you’re my savior’ or ‘you’re my world’ bs, but just because he loves her