I’ve been wanting to say this for a while, so I got a login, but I don’t get why people in the comments, including the female lead think her being shy and timid was horribly wrong, and she deserved to be treated the way she did.
Nobody even gave her the chance to improve and the knowledge to know that she was doing something wrong in just communicating with her father when she had zero ill intent.
Honestly I don’t think she did anything wrong, she was just put in a horrible position, and the people from the North, male lead included were biased trash, she didn’t deserve anything that happened to her. ML should have at least had the decency to try to understand FL or help her to not be outcast by everyone, like he did here. ML and all those around him honestly suck.
FL’s family are all awful as well, except the Aunt.
This story has honestly been making me feel really bad for the FL because she believes that she was wrong in acting the way she did in her previous life, when the way she was treated was awful, affecting her personal worth and the fact that she loved her family despite everything and wasn’t given a chance to change by anyone, no one cared about her as a person at all.
Honestly if I were her, I would find it hard to trust any of those people to truthfully care for me. They didn’t care for her before, but now that she is being more assertive they all care, yeah right, they don’t like the real her, they just like the front she is putting up to protect herself, which honestly sucks. Why couldn’t they have just cared enough to actually get to truly know her. 😤😡😡😭😭😭😭😭
I’ve been wanting to say this for a while, so I got a login, but I don’t get why people in the comments, including the female lead think her being shy and timid was horribly wrong, and she deserved to be treated the way she did.
Nobody even gave her the chance to improve and the knowledge to know that she was doing something wrong in just communicating with her father when she had zero ill intent.
Honestly I don’t think she did anything wrong, she was just put in a horrible position, and the people from the North, male lead included were biased trash, she didn’t deserve anything that happened to her. ML should have at least had the decency to try to understand FL or help her to not be outcast by everyone, like he did here. ML and all those around him honestly suck.
FL’s family are all awful as well, except the Aunt.
This story has honestly been making me feel really bad for the FL because she believes that she was wrong in acting the way she did in her previous life, when the way she was treated was awful, affecting her personal worth and the fact that she loved her family despite everything and wasn’t given a chance to change by anyone, no one cared about her as a person at all.
Honestly if I were her, I would find it hard to trust any of those people to truthfully care for me. They didn’t care for her before, but now that she is being more assertive they all care, yeah right, they don’t like the real her, they just like the front she is putting up to protect herself, which honestly sucks. Why couldn’t they have just cared enough to actually get to truly know her. 😤😡😡😭😭😭😭😭
Yesss! Finally a true bestie for Ames!!! This time around the county is on her side, but trauma and trust issues can’t be solved so quickly!
Ohhh I like a future ally im in! Go my dear !! 💪🥰