🙄 DENSE FEMALE LEAD HATER 🤬 Im so amazed how ever regression and transmigration genre uses this will be the artist prodigy in the future trope its like so very old fashion yet its a given coz they can use it to their advantage tsk tsk November 15, 2023 at 5:23 pm Log in to Reply
_Birb_ It would be great if they keep the hairstyle like the latest half of the illustration 🦥 October 17, 2023 at 5:20 pm Log in to Reply
Im so amazed how ever regression and transmigration genre uses this will be the artist prodigy in the future trope its like so very old fashion yet its a given coz they can use it to their advantage tsk tsk
It would be great if they keep the hairstyle like the latest half of the illustration 🦥