she can’t help him. there’s a restraint sphere for the slaves, if method of removal is incorrect, poison will be released and it might also kill the slave
the best thing that she can do it to buy him to get the key
i dont love that she chose to ‘buy’ him instead of just helping him escape :/ he can turn into a tiny kitty, you cant convince me that she wouldn’t have been able to sneak him out
idk i normally overlook the stupidity of slavery existing and being so readily accepted in these stories as much as possible but when the option to /steal/ from slavers exists and the protag actively chooses to GIVE THE SLAVERS MONEY and /especially/ when the protag is from modern times… :/ yeah, not my fav turn of events
they already explained the reason why..
she can’t help him. there’s a restraint sphere for the slaves, if method of removal is incorrect, poison will be released and it might also kill the slave
the best thing that she can do it to buy him to get the key
i dont love that she chose to ‘buy’ him instead of just helping him escape :/ he can turn into a tiny kitty, you cant convince me that she wouldn’t have been able to sneak him out
idk i normally overlook the stupidity of slavery existing and being so readily accepted in these stories as much as possible but when the option to /steal/ from slavers exists and the protag actively chooses to GIVE THE SLAVERS MONEY and /especially/ when the protag is from modern times… :/ yeah, not my fav turn of events
Yeah, I mean, if he shows that he’s super strong completely overpowering his opponent, people would want to bid for him, no? 🥴