He has not mistreated her, though? We also do not know the story behind her 1st death yet. When she is shivering at his sight, bursting into tears frequently and hardly able to communicate, keeping a distance is also in the intend to care – also, his race does not seem the best choice to provide therapy for being neglected and bullied as a child. The new her is totally different in character (surprisingly so, since she is the same person) and easier approachable.
blubis thebest
update pls
He has not mistreated her, though? We also do not know the story behind her 1st death yet. When she is shivering at his sight, bursting into tears frequently and hardly able to communicate, keeping a distance is also in the intend to care – also, his race does not seem the best choice to provide therapy for being neglected and bullied as a child. The new her is totally different in character (surprisingly so, since she is the same person) and easier approachable.
Yo you’re gonna cry tears of blood when you realize how you’ve hurt her before
Well aren’t you in for a time when your realize how you actually treated her