@yato.rita I also thought the same when I 1st saw cossete try to do something to the Duke but failed that time understand that Duke didn’t kill fl because he want to but he was manipulated my that evil bitch
So i came up woth a theory after rereading it .. In her past life she doesnt go to their great aunts house where the spirit stone is kept ..n cossete goes alone ..they said that if you touch the spirit stone it can also break the contract with the water spirit ie. Beatrice… N if she did that in the past life .. She could’ve manipulated her father in her past life n lead to keiras death ..but in this life since she couldnt find the spirit stone so the contract was not broken .. And a few chaoters ago when she tried to do something to the duke beatrice made it rain n that sudden lightening .. Which protected the duke from being manipulated by cossete.. I think the father wasnt a bad person even in her past life but cossete manipulated or sonewhat hypnotized him…which lead to everything.. That happened in her past life…
In danger? He literally sent her to the guillotine himself. And him caring now because she changed somehow? That only means he only started to care about her because she’s stopped trying to get him to love her. That was the first thing she did after coming back from being killed by him and that’s messed up if it’s true
@yato.rita I also thought the same when I 1st saw cossete try to do something to the Duke but failed that time understand that Duke didn’t kill fl because he want to but he was manipulated my that evil bitch
So i came up woth a theory after rereading it .. In her past life she doesnt go to their great aunts house where the spirit stone is kept ..n cossete goes alone ..they said that if you touch the spirit stone it can also break the contract with the water spirit ie. Beatrice… N if she did that in the past life .. She could’ve manipulated her father in her past life n lead to keiras death ..but in this life since she couldnt find the spirit stone so the contract was not broken .. And a few chaoters ago when she tried to do something to the duke beatrice made it rain n that sudden lightening .. Which protected the duke from being manipulated by cossete.. I think the father wasnt a bad person even in her past life but cossete manipulated or sonewhat hypnotized him…which lead to everything.. That happened in her past life…
He still killed her tho
Omg I am getting to many déjà vus from wmmap
I just take back what i said after reading the other chapter
Like claude in who made me a princess there might be a backstory so i will wait and think about giving a chance.
I still don’t like him….he doesn’t deserve forgiveness
I hope the Duke is pretending to be asleep and he heard all of their conversation..
In danger? He literally sent her to the guillotine himself. And him caring now because she changed somehow? That only means he only started to care about her because she’s stopped trying to get him to love her. That was the first thing she did after coming back from being killed by him and that’s messed up if it’s true
Dogeza Kimu