Why were shocked pops! it’s because of ur treatment of past actions that’s the answers u deserve.i.e.even thought it’s a concerns and worried towards them it will still sound like *don’t f**king do anything that will farm my reputation* so blam yourself ¥* ~*¥
They still draw the crack on the earring in the last panel
[email protected]
Erez is just flirting
Windstorm with noelle
I feel like the grand duke I will hunt all of the ml’s if he gets to know
If that’s Zekes’ reaction… Then what will the father’s reaction be?? 😂
Hahaha satisfied the way butler shut the door b4 her excited 🤣🤣 also Zeke is so so cute 🥺🥺
I think zeke’s a little to young to suffer from high blood pressure 🤣🤣🤣
Team Knight – NO
Team Wizard – NO
Team Daddy – YAS!
-Sugarbaby 😉
The father is like a puppy
I swear, cassette tape is like a fly, she doesn’t know when to go away. Someone should get a fly swatter and use it to slap her in the face.
How can u like and hate a guy so much at the same time?
Zeke be acting like ajhussis in kdramas when something doesn’t go their way. 😂😂😭
Like so what
Oh god I forgot cosette was a thing
Aghhh i like the father and hate him at the same time😫l
kills me when he acts like a kicked puppy every time she cuts their conversations short and to the point 😂lol should have acted right the first time
Why were shocked pops! it’s because of ur treatment of past actions that’s the answers u deserve.i.e.even thought it’s a concerns and worried towards them it will still sound like *don’t f**king do anything that will farm my reputation* so blam yourself ¥* ~*¥