The dad messed up, trusted Colette and executed Kiera. Regretted it after Colette showed her true colours, and made a contract with Erez who is a demon which allowed him to turn back time, but only one person could keep their memories, and he chose for that person to be Kiera. That’s why the dad doesn’t remember that he is the contractor and hardly remembers the alternate future (but he was having nightmares about it; he just didn’t know it was real). Now, since the contract has been fulfilled — the terrible future has been avoided and Kiera lives — it’s time for the contractor (the dad) to pay up. This means Erez would claim the dad’s soul. But since Kiera is saddened by this, Erez chose not to take the dad’s soul, destroying the contract instead. This means he won’t be able to make contracts anymore, which is what makes him a demon, and will live out a human life span.
Dad and Erez look so alike I got confused and thought somehow Erez was dad from the past? such a long story I’m forgetting everything.
Also let the priest die, they haven’t done jack shit this whole time
No one will make contract with him again so basically it’s like him getting 0 job and shutdown? That is if he destroys contract. Since terms was the shitty dad giving us soul in turn of turning back time and erez coming back from past to help kiara to save world
The dad messed up, trusted Colette and executed Kiera. Regretted it after Colette showed her true colours, and made a contract with Erez who is a demon which allowed him to turn back time, but only one person could keep their memories, and he chose for that person to be Kiera. That’s why the dad doesn’t remember that he is the contractor and hardly remembers the alternate future (but he was having nightmares about it; he just didn’t know it was real). Now, since the contract has been fulfilled — the terrible future has been avoided and Kiera lives — it’s time for the contractor (the dad) to pay up. This means Erez would claim the dad’s soul. But since Kiera is saddened by this, Erez chose not to take the dad’s soul, destroying the contract instead. This means he won’t be able to make contracts anymore, which is what makes him a demon, and will live out a human life span.
But if it’s only his lifespan of demon and powers than I hope that Erez and the princess will live together!!!!!!!!!!
Wow if Erez dies I won’t ever forgive you author !!!!!
Dad and Erez look so alike I got confused and thought somehow Erez was dad from the past? such a long story I’m forgetting everything.
Also let the priest die, they haven’t done jack shit this whole time
He should let that retard die and keep his demon powers
Ayo wait someone explain me.. will erez die if the contract is broken or he loses his demon power and lifespan
he loses his powers and lifespan
No one will make contract with him again so basically it’s like him getting 0 job and shutdown? That is if he destroys contract. Since terms was the shitty dad giving us soul in turn of turning back time and erez coming back from past to help kiara to save world
Let’s wait for the drama 🍿🍿