A Witch’s Hopeless Wish - Chapter 101
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A Witch's Hope That Can't Be Fulfilled, A Witch's Hope That Can't Come True, A Witch’s Hopeless Wish, Best Manhwa, Drama, HaeChung, Historical, Hot, Hot manhwa, I'rweojil Su Eobsneun Ma'nyeo'eui So'mang, Irwojil Su Eomneun Manyeoui Somang, Josei, Listing Hot Comic, manga zin, mangazin, Manhwa, manhwa recommend, Mystery, Permohonan Sang Penyihir, Romance, Shoujo, The Hopeless Desire of a Witch, Top 10 Manhwa, zin manga, Zinmanga, 叶わない魔女の願い, 无望的魔愿, 이뤄질 수 없는 마녀의 소망, 이뤄질수없는마녀의소망
Yeah….. my love for count Tes is officially over
She knows exactly how horrible it is to feel trapped under someone else’s power and she made the conscious decision to trap two of the people who care for her most that way
She says she wants to help the weak but she’s trampling over the weak to do it
Bullshit. Complete bullshit
Heartbroken because I loved her character but double heartbroken because caidel does NOT deserve this. Ellen doesnt either but I’m more upset about caidel. His entire life has been used as a tool and every relationship he has is based on how useful he is
It’s fucked up and I want Caidel to be free 🙁 it’s triple fucked up cuz he figured out the situation on his own so it’s only a matter of time before he figures it out again and figures out what they’ve done. It’s just horribly cruel and I just want to punch tes in her stupid hypocritical face