I want to post a spoiler but we don’t have the spoiler button feature so I will just give vague info.
The mother has a power already so nope. But there is something about the 9th wing.
I don’t think Mano is sick. Last time she was shown 2 things happened:
– Mano is supposed to have ability to see prophecies through dreams. Thus “dreamers” spend most of their time sleeping. However it’s believed Mano barely sleeps and has no such ability .
-What knights mistook for nonsense was in fact her chattering about golden haired baby that just got married and will soon arrive and that she’s very sweet child. Strongly hinting towards our MC.
So I think that unlike normal dreamers that see prophecies in regular sleep, Mano is DAYdreaming. And simply says things only she can see and know, resulting in people misunderstanding her as “unstable”.
Aigo his mom needs to be protected at all costs
Oh I KNOW WHY ML mom is doing that. ? can’t wait for that scene
yep!!!!thanks for the translation,she’s soooooo lovely.I loooove????
Thank you for the translation
I want to post a spoiler but we don’t have the spoiler button feature so I will just give vague info.
The mother has a power already so nope. But there is something about the 9th wing.
Omgg whyyy TAT why is ther no spoiler buttonnnTAT I want me some spoilersss TMT
i appreciate the translation, but i prefer harimanga translation more. also thank you for the chapter
? so his mother is probably one of her wings right? If not then will Leticia be able to heal her I hope so ?
I don’t think Mano is sick. Last time she was shown 2 things happened:
– Mano is supposed to have ability to see prophecies through dreams. Thus “dreamers” spend most of their time sleeping. However it’s believed Mano barely sleeps and has no such ability .
-What knights mistook for nonsense was in fact her chattering about golden haired baby that just got married and will soon arrive and that she’s very sweet child. Strongly hinting towards our MC.
So I think that unlike normal dreamers that see prophecies in regular sleep, Mano is DAYdreaming. And simply says things only she can see and know, resulting in people misunderstanding her as “unstable”.
Nope but…
Somebody else is her wing
Bitin ?
Thank you for the new chapter (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Rain Trevil