@I love you harimanga i think its meant to be Giliard and its one of the twelve families in Principality? and Giliard has the ability to see things through their dreams but since the head of Giliard has gone a little cookoo everyone believes she doesnt dream. she was the one calling leticia baby and dreaming of her
@I love you harimanga i think its meant to be Giliard and its one of the twelve families in Principality? and Giliard has the ability to see things through their dreams but since the head of Giliard has gone a little cookoo everyone believes she doesnt dream. she was the one calling leticia baby and dreaming of her
So is that her real mom?
And she’s still doesn’t get that ur MOM
I love you harimanga
They so look alikeeee and btw who’s Gilead again lol
more more more please
That “lizard” is the dragon right? Hahah.
wow thank youuuu