The last chapter had me thinking I didn’t remember what the story was about and then the beginning of this one I was like no no this is this is what I remember everything‘s good now and then the ending has got me again I’m like what the fucks going on man
Wth happened???? Is this translation fine???
Ummmm what???
ATP, I’m just gonna wait for the official translation on Tapas. My head hurts trying to comprehend this.
What happened???????
LoL, all her emotions seem so stupid the moment the blue bird peck her hand. And I wonder what she lose? Not the baby?
The last chapter had me thinking I didn’t remember what the story was about and then the beginning of this one I was like no no this is this is what I remember everything‘s good now and then the ending has got me again I’m like what the fucks going on man
The translation is bad Idek what happened