The wings are numbered as per their strength, and Noelle here is the ninth wing, however when she meets the real saint, she becomes her first wing. So the only reason Noelle feels disgust and is able to know that the mother is a fake saintess is bcoz she’s actually the first wing, the most powerful of them all.
Noelle is right, she is a devil. I think if she lived her life helping others, the goddess might let she have the power but she chose to live like a crazy bit**
Oh my gosh… Noelle and Ahuin, I’m not crying. Shit, why am I crying? I pity these two. I already know what awaits who and who caused it. May your souls find each other in your next life.
Geesh I hope this goes mess will be explained properly later on. Why such evil witch was granted saintess powers and why 8 out of 9 wings will attracted to her. Were they traitors or smth in their past lives
Shanayah Serene
The wings are numbered as per their strength, and Noelle here is the ninth wing, however when she meets the real saint, she becomes her first wing. So the only reason Noelle feels disgust and is able to know that the mother is a fake saintess is bcoz she’s actually the first wing, the most powerful of them all.
Me who knows a bit about what will happen later on: TmT
Gillian Kit Levon
That fuckin idiot pathetic asshole bitch.. So greedy shit dammit 🤨🤨🤨.. Huh sooner u fuckin go to hel👿👿l
Thanks a lot bro..this is my first time reading and now I know which characters ruined it for me
@Avadaaaaa you sound like a priest???
Noelle is right, she is a devil. I think if she lived her life helping others, the goddess might let she have the power but she chose to live like a crazy bit**
Oh my gosh… Noelle and Ahuin, I’m not crying. Shit, why am I crying? I pity these two. I already know what awaits who and who caused it. May your souls find each other in your next life.
Sage Green
Maybe Noelle will be Leticia’s first wing.
Geesh I hope this goes mess will be explained properly later on. Why such evil witch was granted saintess powers and why 8 out of 9 wings will attracted to her. Were they traitors or smth in their past lives