wrong person. the person your thinking about was the maid that was originally from the palace and became loyal to her over the years. The maid that was sent for the information was her maid originally, and came to the palace to serve her. Also it is implied that this maid died in like one to two years.
Do we want to bet it’s a black haired ml or a white haired ml?
She’s the maid from her home.. guys she must have been very loyal to her in past life too… she’s not dumb comeon
That is a LOT of trust you are putting into a maid who, in this timeline, has only just met you.
wrong person. the person your thinking about was the maid that was originally from the palace and became loyal to her over the years. The maid that was sent for the information was her maid originally, and came to the palace to serve her. Also it is implied that this maid died in like one to two years.
this is an interesting read. just not for me. I cant support FL on her pursuit to revenge with this.
Same, I hope the other enjoy it and have a good time ?