Happyme I thought the wizard would’ve taken her out of that horrible place but he left her there yet again to suffer come on??♀️ May 29, 2022 at 5:03 am Log in to Reply
Mariposa Yeah like what sense does that make silver? You should’ve taken her with you! And now the only ally she had in that place is apparently being tortured for some reason. I hope they don’t kill her? May 29, 2022 at 11:51 pm
I thought the wizard would’ve taken her out of that horrible place but he left her there yet again to suffer come on??♀️
Yeah like what sense does that make silver? You should’ve taken her with you! And now the only ally she had in that place is apparently being tortured for some reason. I hope they don’t kill her?
Very curious ???
This is different from the novel:(
Can you give me spoiler? What happen to azriel?