“May I have permission to save you,” says the ignorant wizard. Bet you didn’t ask for Azril’s permission when you entrusted her to greedy idiots who sold her to some slave trader and made her life a living hell.
Umm… so he saved her from drowning, gave her a name, cared for and taught her for 3 years and then gave her a mansion. BUT he didn’t do his due diligence with hiring people to look after her and her finances and he also ereased her memory? And somehow he’s surprised that her life didn’t go super well? He abandoned her at 11 years old…did he expect her to raise herself? Not impressed with Mr. Wizard. If someone calls him a genius at any point in this story I’m calling BS. ?
“May I have permission to save you,” says the ignorant wizard. Bet you didn’t ask for Azril’s permission when you entrusted her to greedy idiots who sold her to some slave trader and made her life a living hell.
Umm… so he saved her from drowning, gave her a name, cared for and taught her for 3 years and then gave her a mansion. BUT he didn’t do his due diligence with hiring people to look after her and her finances and he also ereased her memory? And somehow he’s surprised that her life didn’t go super well? He abandoned her at 11 years old…did he expect her to raise herself? Not impressed with Mr. Wizard. If someone calls him a genius at any point in this story I’m calling BS. ?
ooooooo!!!! Much better chapter. I wonder what is going to happen next! excited 🙂