The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther - Chapter 87

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but obviously theres some cases where u have to have empathy, u need to be able to empathize with those people. think how that could affect them. whats going on in their head how does this relate to previous incidents? what are they feeling. thats just how it is @i live for daddy Zhongli. you cant just put off something someone is feeling just because u think theres nothing going on
i mean i kinda feel bad for Quinn js being in the room rn 😭🙏 like he has to js sit there and be like: “man today’s been a long day..”
also fr im here with @Psychobitch. death is a scary thing. especially when a loved one or family is involved, it ruins people and family.. its a horrible concept.
If I’m vivi I’ll be scared to death too knowing that ahin may inherited the seizure can’t blame vivi for acting like that
I live for daddy Zhongli
I hate this kind of behavior… Never threaten your love one by hurting yourself like vivi did. She might just be scratching her hard a little bit now.. but if it can become a habit that got worse and worse. Someday u might cut yourself with sharp objects or hit your head out of frustration. And it’s stupid act that won’t get you anywhere. My mom did this few times over small argument with a family member. I wanted to help her but I almost lost the will to help her calm down cus doing so might just encourage her to do more of it. What’s good is that you learn to communicate better or learn to not care soo much for those unimportant things that bothers you.
Yeah,she belatedly realized that she has no rights to complain and throw tantrums to him, because they are not related to each other,lol. But, they have this mutual understanding,right.?
Miss do you mind finishing your sentences?